Monday, February 21, 2011

To Do: Hang Curtains

Way back in October, Matt had surgery. My mom came down to be his nurse. I thought she may get bored, so I left her with a project--transform a shower curtain into curtains for my office. I figure that since I spend so much time there, I might as well make it cute! Needless to say, I just got the curtains up this week. I think my productivity will likely increase now...ha!
Here is a view of the grande fortress:

While I am lucky to have my own office (though I do miss the fun times I had with my roomie Jamie in Springfield), this picture shows you how I really rate:

And as a reward for having the least amount of clutter/crap in my office--I recently received this trophy:

You don't have a bridge in your office? Well, hopefully I'm just a temporary storage place while our big meeting room is full of cookies.

Here's a look at what I stare at for about 8 hours a day:

You may notice:

  • A not so new computer

  • My awesome vinyl clock (not Uppercase Living, but it was $10--LOVE IT)

  • Cookies (it's like a torture test when you have to stare at them all day)

  • The back door--guess who usually has to answer the doorbell? (It's not like I can hide!)

And taking a closer look at my desk, you will see my never ending to-do list, and yes...what gets me through the day...Coke!

But often, some of the best views are behind me...

My view of Motel 6 "we leave the light on for you." You can imagine!

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