Monday, October 10, 2011

To Do: Babymoon Days 5&6 (Round Top)

Never heard of Round Top, Texas?  Oh, here's why:

 Population: 90.

We drove from our campsite in the middle of no where down the backroads of Texas.  We later learned that just a few miles away was where many of the bad fires had just occurred.  But we drove on this blacktop for miles wondering what we were getting into...

 when all of a looked like heaven!

Oh my goodness!  One thing I've missed about the north is the great craft fairs.  Oh what I would do for a trip to the Covered Bridge Festival in Indiana!  But thanks to Southern Living, I had read about this enormous antique fair (and it was truly antiques, not crafts) years ago and had saved it under my favorites on the computer.  As fate would have it, it was going on while we were in Texas!  Hooray!

Town after town along this highway was just tents as far as you could see with antiques. 

You name it, it was here! 

  Sometimes it felt like walking onto the set of American Pickers!

 Look Mom, they even had chicken coops!  (I have one I need to bring back from IL but keep forgetting.  Suggestions on what to do with it?)

There we so many things I would have liked to have bought, but when flying, that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for antiques. 

We did come back with some great treasures...though you'll have to wait a bit to find out what!

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