Monday, September 12, 2011

To Do: Girls Weekend!

It came.  And it went.  Our Girls Weekend flew by!

My friend, Sophie, had been planning on coming out from Alabama  for awhile.  We decided to wait until we knew the baby's gender...because it's not a Girls Weekend without shopping.  So a couple of weekends ago, Sophie left her kiddos and hubby behind to come see ME!  How sweet!  We didn't have much planned, but of course, our days filled up.

Friday we went down to Hot Springs.

She had been before, but requested going to tour an actual bath house.  It's something I had only done once myself, and still find it so fascinating to step back into that life. 

It was of course hot in Hot Springs that day so we probably could have both stood to use a bath!

We spent the rest of the day shopping!  We went to several great antique stores (hunting down letters of course for the nursery), went to a nice pub for lunch, and then headed towards home.  But...on the way, we went past the brand new HomeGoods store--one of my ultimate favorite stores!  I heard the new store was opening the next day, but we drove by to see if by chance maybe I was wrong.  Guess what?  We saw a bunch of old men coming out with shopping bags.  Yes!  We cruised up and down the isles to park, then headed in.  An old lady greeted us as the door and asked for our "invitation."  Crap!  But a little sweet talking and in we went.  We felt so special!  Oh, but it was like the day after Thanksgiving in there.  Craziness I tell ya.  We walked out with only matching ghosts for our yards this fall--but a good laugh too!

Saturday, we headed to Little Rock to do, yep, more shopping!  We racked up some letters at Hobby Lobby and Gordmans then had lunch at one of our favorites--Jason's Deli. 

I forgot to mention that on Friday, there was big news here in Arkansas.  3 men accused of murdering some Boy Scouts years ago in West Memphis were let out of jail suddenly.  Freed.  It's all too complex for me.  But sounds like DNA evidence has since come about not linking them.  Apparently everyone in the state seemed to be pretty excited about it.  The Memphis 3 was made into a movie and of course, true Arkansans know all about.  Sophie and I were clueless but became obsessed with the news coverage. 

On Saturday, we decided to do another history lesson and learn more about the Little Rock 9.  We went to Central High in downtown Little Rock...but unfortunately, they don't do tours on the weekend.  Still, the school was stunning.
This is the site where 9 black students rebelled segregation, risking their lives just to go back to school.  I'm sure it's something we browsed over in history class at one point in school, but these people are legends around here.  Hopefully one day I can do the real tour.

After our sightseeing trip, we then met Matt at the movie theatre to go see The Help.
Seriously, if you haven't read the book or seen the movie, I'm telling you, you need to stop reading this blog and do it now.  I did both and loved both!  Matt even loved the movie! 
That night the three of us tried out a restaurant we had heard about in Benton.  It's called Ed and Kays.  From the outside, it looks like an old, run-down diner (not quite like Cothams).  They are especially known for their mile high meringue pies.

 But...our waitress failed to tell us we should order them first and of course, we just missed getting the last piece.  But my fudge pie and Sophie's german chocolate pie weren't too shabby. 

I wish every weekend could be this fun!!  Thanks Sophie for coming to visit!  Ya'll come back now you hear!

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