Friday, March 15, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To Do: Stop the UGLY

Last week, I had lots of horror stories to tell you.

Yep, that precious, little, blonde cutie of mine can have a bad side.  Believe it!

Last week, it was what they call in the south "ugly."  U-G-L-Y!  Ugly for Parker.  Ugly for Me.  I thought for sure that I had at least another 6-9 months before we had to have our little Mother-Son talks about this ugly behavior.  But, unfortunately, no one warned me that his cuteness could end rapidly near 14 months!

But we both came out alive.

This week, my precious, little, blonde cutie (who I call my cutie bootie) was quite the opposite.  His dimple has been seen more in a day than all last week!  He is full of laughs, dancing, giggling, new skills...just plain FUN!  I can't seem to kiss him enough!

Anyway, I'm a parent--so I'm supposed to worry.  When he gets ugly, I seem to be become the target for his throwing of the closest object.  He even sees my fatty legs as perfect for biting (though he has yet to actually bite, but sure gets close).  Oh, I just worry he is going to be the bully!  I had to remind myself last week that it's a good thing I was home with him, or else, I'm sure his name would have been written on the bad board and a note about being a bully surely would have been in his backpack.

Parker and I get to spend a lot of time with our neighbor, Leslie, and her 7 month old, Paisley.  Leslie captured a moment of their bullying yet love for each other that I just had to share.

(Yes, Parker may have won this time, but clearly Paisley is going to give him a run for his money in a matter of no time!) And hopefully playing with Paisley will mean less Ugly, and more Cuteness!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Photo 3.1.13

First time playing in the snow